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GMG papper

GMG provtryckspapperGMG provtryckspapper

Om du har en GMG provtrycks RIP, då känner du med allra största sannolikhet till GMG eget provtryckspapper.
Här har vi samlat olika typer av papper från GMG som du kan använda till dina provtryck.

    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Premium Gloss 250g, 17" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 100834
    GMG ProofMedia premium gloss 250 is designed to simulate glossy finished products for all the printing industry segments, such as packaging, commercial and publishing printing. Certified by Fogra (30460-3) and FSC (FSC-C131362)
    • 1.782,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Premium Gloss 250g, 24" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 100835
    GMG ProofMedia premium gloss 250 is designed to simulate glossy finished products for all the printing industry segments, such as packaging, commercial and publishing printing. Certified by Fogra (30460-3) and FSC (FSC-C131362)
    • 2.492,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Premium OBA Semimatte 250g, 17" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 100830
    GMG ProofMedia premium OBA semiMatte 250 is designed to simulate optical brightening agents (OBAs), coated and semi-gloss finished products for all the printing industry segments, such as offset packaging printing, commercial printing and publishing printing. Certified by Fogra (30460-2) and FSC (FSC C131362)
    • 1.782,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 2 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Premium OBA Semimatte 250g, 24" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 100831
    GMG ProofMedia premium OBA semiMatte 250 is designed to simulate optical brightening agents (OBAs), coated and semi-gloss finished products for all the printing industry segments, such as offset packaging printing, commercial printing and publishing printing. Certified by Fogra (30460-2) and FSC (FSC C131362)
    • 2.492,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Premium OBA Semimatte 250g, 42" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 100832
    GMG ProofMedia premium OBA semiMatte 250 is designed to simulate optical brightening agents (OBAs), coated and semi-gloss finished products for all the printing industry segments, such as offset packaging printing, commercial printing and publishing printing. Certified by Fogra (30460-2) and FSC (FSC C131362)
    • 4.329,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Premium Semimatte 250g, 17" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 100825
    GMG ProofMedia premium semiMatte 250 is designed to simulate coated and semi-gloss finished products for all the printing industry segments, including packaging, commercial and publishing printing. Certified by Fogra (30460-1) and FSC (FSC-C131362)
    • 1.782,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Premium Semimatte 250g, 24" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 100826
    GMG ProofMedia premium semiMatte 250 is designed to simulate coated and semi-gloss finished products for all the printing industry segments, including packaging, commercial and publishing printing. Certified by Fogra (30460-1) and FSC (FSC-C131362)
    • 2.492,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Premium Semimatte 250g, 42" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 100828
    GMG ProofMedia premium semiMatte 250 is designed to simulate coated and semi-gloss finished products for all the printing industry segments, including packaging, commercial and publishing printing. Certified by Fogra (30460-1) and FSC (FSC-C131362)
    • 4.329,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Studio Newspaper 76g, 17" x 50 meter
    Varenr.: 100841
    GMG ProofMedia studio newspaper 76 has been developed for newspaper proofing. The special surface texture offers a closer visual match to the newspaper. Certified by Fogra (28445-6) and FSC (FSC-C131362)
    • 641,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Studio Newspaper 76g, 24" x 50 meter
    Varenr.: 100842
    GMG ProofMedia studio newspaper 76 has been developed for newspaper proofing. The special surface texture offers a closer visual match to the newspaper. Certified by Fogra (28445-6) and FSC (FSC-C131362)
    • 849,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Studio OBA Matte 150g, 17" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 100837
    GMG ProofMedia studio OBA matte 150 is developed for highly accurate proofing and the closest visual match of commonly used uncoated production paper. Certified by Fogra (31104) and FSC (FSC-C131362)
    • 641,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    GMG ProofMedia Studio OBA Matte 150g, 24" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 100838
    GMG ProofMedia studio OBA matte 150 is developed for highly accurate proofing and the closest visual match of commonly used uncoated production paper. Certified by Fogra (31104) and FSC (FSC-C131362)
    • 877,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
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