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Etikett avrullare

    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    Labelafruller til af 127 mm labels med hastighedsjustering
    Varenr.: 92185
    Our range of small label unrewinders can handle labels up to 127 mm.
    The unrewinder are equipped an adjustable core from 40mm up to 76mm.
    Auto-switching 100/240VAC - 2.5A at 24V power supply and an electronic circuit controls the functions.
    The motor speed is 120rpm. When the roll of labels runs out, the unrewinder stops by uttering an acoustic signal.
    The possibility to adjust the sense of rotation, clockwise or counterclockwise, allows to rewind the labels face in or face out.
    • 5.201,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    Labelafruller til af 174 mm labels med hastighedsjustering
    Varenr.: 92188
    Our range of small label unrewinders can handle labels up to 174 mm.
    The unrewinder are equipped an adjustable core from 40mm up to 76mm.
    Auto-switching 100/240VAC - 2.5A at 24V power supply and an electronic circuit controls the functions.
    The motor speed is 120rpm. When the roll of labels runs out, the unrewinder stops by uttering an acoustic signal.
    The possibility to adjust the sense of rotation, clockwise or counterclockwise, allows to rewind the labels face in or face out.
    • 5.614,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
    Normal Leveringstid: 10 dagar
    Labelafruller til af 244 mm labels med hastighedsjustering
    Varenr.: 92191
    Our range of small label unrewinders can handle labels up to 244 mm.
    The unrewinder are equipped an adjustable core from 40mm up to 76mm.
    Auto-switching 100/240VAC - 2.5A at 24V power supply and an electronic circuit controls the functions.
    The motor speed is 120rpm. When the roll of labels runs out, the unrewinder stops by uttering an acoustic signal.
    The possibility to adjust the sense of rotation, clockwise or counterclockwise, allows to rewind the labels face in or face out.
    • 6.303,00  Kr. exkl. moms och miljöbidrag
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